About Us
The Tennesee Williams Annual Review was founded in 1998 and is published by the Historic New Orleans Collection. The first four issues (1998-2001) were printed at Middle Tennessee State University. Issues 1 through 17 (1998 through 2018) are archived on this website.
R. Barton Palmer
Clemson University
Founding Editor Emeritus
Robert Bray
Middle Tennessee State University
Managing Editor
Margit Longbrake
The Historic New Orleans Collection
Editorial Board
John S. Bak
Nancy-Université (France)
Tison Pugh
University of Central Florida
Matthew C. Roudané
Georgia State University
Annette Saddik
Graduate Center, City University of New York
Copy Editor
Shari Beck
Layout and Design
Chip Barham
Past editorial board members: Thomas P. Adler, Purdue University; George W. Crandell, Auburn University; Allean Hale, University of Illinois; Philip C. Kolin, University of Southern Mississippi; Nancy M. Tischler, Pennsylvania State University.